Jesus Christ is the most important person who ever lived. And when we make that statement, it's a big claim.
Why is it true? Because Jesus is our Savior and our Lord. Jesus is the Son of God, and He came from Heaven to earth. He lived a life without any sin. Yet He died on the cross to pay the price for your sins and mine. That's why we call Him our savior. Everybody needs forgiveness. That forgiveness comes to us because Jesus paid the price for the wrongs we've done by dying on the cross.
Why is it true? Because Jesus is our Savior and our Lord. Jesus is the Son of God, and He came from Heaven to earth. He lived a life without any sin. Yet He died on the cross to pay the price for your sins and mine. That's why we call Him our savior. Everybody needs forgiveness. That forgiveness comes to us because Jesus paid the price for the wrongs we've done by dying on the cross.
Not only did He die, but on the third day, Jesus rose again! He lives today! Because He lives, He gives our lives purpose and meaning that can only be found through a relationship with Him. So for each of us, the most important decision we can ever make is to choose Jesus as our Savior and as our Lord.
It begins by simply saying, Jesus, I need you. I give you my life.
It begins by simply saying, Jesus, I need you. I give you my life.